Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Starting Anew
A Good Time to Move to a Different State
Is it a good time for me to move to a different state?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology calculations don't predict consequences of actions. But calculations can determine when certain actions resonate with a person's numerology chart.
It can be assumed that when something resonates with a person's chart, the resonance is more aligned with who the person is and the circumstances they are likely to find themselves in.
Use the Event Timing Predictor to see which dates in the future contain the most resonance with the move and your numerology chart.
Provide your name and birth date to the calculator. And also the name of the event (most likely "move to a different state" in your case or, if you know the destination, then substitute "different state" with your destination).
The calculator determines a likelihood by the amount of resonance. The more resonance, the more likely the event will occur on that date.
If you are uncertain about which state, or where within a state, the Numerology Best-locations tool can be used to help with the decision.
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