Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
What Kind of Lifestyle Will I Have in My Future?
At present my age is 20. I am doing my graduation as well as a professional course. I am also in a relationship with a girl of similar age. I want to know about my future life. What kind of lifestyle will I have in my future? Will I be rich? Will I have a happy family?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology is a practice to determine likelihoods and tendencies, not to determine predestination or for making irrefutable predictions.
The lifestyle you'll have of course depends on what you do and don't do. Still, sometimes it's nice to know what the tendencies are, what types of things are more likely than other types of things.
Knowing those can help a person prepare to take advantage of them should they materialize (or prepare to neutralize if they're something you don't want).
The following narrative has links to pages at a sister numerology website with information pertaining to this response to your question.
The core numbers are the most important of your numerology chart. That page has links to each of the core numbers (there are four) which, in turn, have links to calculators so you can determine your number for each of the core chart positions.
To reveal future tendencies and likelihoods, look to the cycles.
The yearly cycles are the personal year and the essence transit. The personal year cycle effects change every year. The essence transit effects may change from one year to another, and often do.
The longer cycles are the major cycles. None of them will change resonance for another 7 years. See How Major Personal Numerology Cycles Affect Your Life for a heads up on what to prepare for.
With that basic numerology information at hand, you'll be able to determine where you are now and to peer into your future.
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