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Use Flat Number 8001 or A8001 to Calculate Numerology Resonance?

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My flat number is 8001 in A building, ie A8001. What is the numerology should I see? Is it 9 or is it 1 (including 1 for A)?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

What is the number on the door of your flat, or next to your door, that labels your flat? That would be the number to use to determine the flat's numerology number.

In other words, use the identity of the flat itself.

As you noted, the number 8001 is the number 9 when reduced to a single digit. And A8001 reduces to the number 1.

Although the numbers 1 and 9 are compatible — the energies those two numbers represent both having broad views and firm ideas about how to proceed with things — they do have quite different points of view. The number 1 energy tends to be oriented on self and the number 9 energy tends to be oriented on others.

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