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Transit and the Right Direction in Life
How do I know if I'm heading in the right direction with my life's path? I've read that I'm entering into or just entered a new transit (the third Pinnacle) in my life. Can having my married name for 33 yrs more than my 22 yr birth name make much of a difference when getting an answer to this question? This can be quite confusing. I have always wondered what the future holds for me and those of my family and friends.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology can be used for interpretations of tendencies and likelihoods related to purpose, personality, future events and other distinct areas. As far as I know, there is no reliable way to consistently see the future exactly as it will be.
There are four pinnacle cycles. You began your fourth one 8½ years ago. And there are three life period cycles. You'll begin your third one in 1½ years. Follow the links to read about them.
Both the pinnacle and the life period cycles are calculated with your birth date. Your name isn't used for those calculations.
The essence transit number will change for you next year and again the year after that, according to the information you provided with your question. The transit number calculations use both the person's name and their birth date. Use the essence transit calculator and you'll see the transit number changes frequently.
The energies the birth name represent never entirely leave a person, no matter how long another name is used. A new name generally adds energy to the existing numerology ambiance. The longer the new name is used and the more the person identifies themself as that name, the stronger the new name energies are.
For most numerology readings, it is appropriate to use the birth name. Readings with the current name can be done and compared with the birth name readings. In that way, a person can see which name's numerology energies seem to be prevalent.
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