Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
Tragic Events and Numerology Numbers
1. I've noticed that the bad, tragic events in my life so far, happened at a date/age that includes the number 8 (eight). It got me very scarry. Can there be any help for me? What can I do about this? 2. Please tell me my numerological numbers as I'm completely new to this field. Thank you in advance for your answer.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The number 8 is your heart's desire number and also one of your challenge numbers.
No number is intrinsically unlucky.
Sometimes a person will associate a number with a series of bad happenings and think the number is unlucky.
But it's not the number that's unlucky. Instead, it's unlucky that the person makes the association, because then the person is living with a false reason and unlikely to recognize the real reason if it should be revealed.
If you'll think back to the events you refer to, you'll realize other numbers were also present.
It may be that the 8 is present in your life more than other numbers because the vibes of the 8s in your chart attract like vibes in your environment. But if you look for 8 only in relation to bad happenings, then you won't see the 8s during non-bad happenings even though they're present.
To become more familiar with numerology and how it can be used in your life, see the applying numerology to everyday living article.
More of your numbers can be found with various numerology tools found at this site's sister numerology site.
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