Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
To Know My Future
I would like to know my future - mainly my personal life, career and my children and my lifespan.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Replying to your question is an opportunity to describe several aspects of looking into the future and obtaining answers to how it will be.
Although there are many esoteric studies that make predictions, they are only predictions. There is no way to know with certainty how any parts of a person's life will be until the parts have been lived.
The reason for that is free will.
You see, events depend on preceding events. When free will is employed to change something, it modifies all subsequent events of the person's life. Don't Tell Me My Future! has more information about that.
The future that numerology calculations can reveal are tendencies and likelihoods — the general inclination.
Although free will always takes precedence during the living of life, the general inclination of the future remains. Free will does not change the tendencies and likelihoods.
What Does My Future Hold? is a good start to finding out what the tendencies are for your future. After that, Looking Into the Future has additional information.
There are many specialized online numerology calculators. One is the career suggestions tool to help you decide what types of careers are compatible with your numerology chart.
What this response to your question comes down to is that your life is pretty much how you make it, what you do and don't do. Actions that align with the inclinations revealed with numerology are more likely to have positive results than actions contrary to the tendencies.
Numerology does not predict length of lifespan or date of death. It is a study related to the living of life, not end of life.
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