Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
The Number 8 in My Life

How does the number 8 fit in my life? My d.o.b. is [birth date removed]. My first name [name removed] has 8 letters also. I also see quite a lot of 8s around me on certain days.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
With the number 8 so much on your mind, it is expected that you will see a lot of 8s around you. It isn't because there are more 8s than usual, but that you have a higher tendency to remember seeing them.
With the number 8 as part of your birth date numbers, it tends to show up in your personal numerology chart more than numbers not part of your birth date. Your current pinnacle cycle number is the number 8. Until your age 30, your life period cycle number was the number 8 (it is now the number 1).
If your question was asked because of a concern, let me assure you that I see nothing to be concerned about. Every numerology chart I have calculated has had one or more prominent numbers. It's normal.
And besides, the number 8 is a good number :)
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