Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
The Number 7 Interspersed Seemingly Everywhere
I was born on 7/17/[birth year removed] - weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz.s at 7:17 a.m. in [location removed] of seven hills. My oldest son was born on 7/7/[birth year removed]. My maiden last name has 7 letters as well as my married last name. I have lived a blessed life - married for over [number removed for privacy] years - [number removed for privacy] wonderful sons - a cancer survivor. Am I blessed by all of the 7's in my life? Am I meant to do something of great importance? Will I be lucky at something like the lottery?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Oh, my, that's a lot of 7s and numbers containing the digit 7. The energy represented by the number 7 is, among other things, introspective. Your question itself resonates with that energy.
From your short description, I can see for myself that your life is indeed blessed. But whether or not it is by all the 7s can't be determined by numerology calculations. Numerology calculations can reveal likelihoods and tendencies by interpreting the resonance of energies represented by numbers. But that interpretation doesn't include personal reasons for happenings — they are merely interpretations of resonance.
Similarly, determining what a person is meant to do or whether or not they will be lucky at games of chance are outside the realm of numerology.
Here's the thing about noticing a certain number repetitively occurring or being a part of events and circumstances of one's life: Any other single-digit number could be picked and found to occur repetitively. But a person generally doesn't see the possibilities because they are focused on only that one.
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