Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
The Number 6 and a YouTube Star
I watch this guy on youtube called Mark Edward Fischbach and for some reason I keep noticing the number 6 in relation to him. For example, he was born 28/6/1989 and is 6 years older than me. He started his youtube channel on the 26/05/2012 and I found out his dad died 6 years ago. This year, 2016, he is 26 years old. When I was 16 he was 22 ~ the day I was born. It seems so strange how I keep seeing these numbers associated with him and only him ~ I haven't met anyone else who has repeating numbers. Could you tell me what this might mean?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
In numerology, the number 6 represents energy that relates to, among other things, family and responsibility.
When a person actively looks for a certain number related to a person, thing, or event, the number is almost always found.
Other people have repeating numbers, virtually everybody. But they're unnoticed while the focus is on the primary individual.
As an example, in your own numerology chart, one of the numbers that's repeated is the number 9. It is your heart's desire number, your current life period cycle number, your month of birth, and your power number. If you'll look for it, you'll undoubtedly find more instances of 9 in your life.
It's the focus that determines what's seen and what's not seen.
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