Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
The Number 6 and Numbers Containing the Digit 6

My entire life I've seen 6. My first car had 666 on the license plate. My son was born in 06. I was married 6 6 of 16. I keep thinking the number 6 is a good thing but it just seems like a lot of everything I put 6 on or put Faith in just falls apart. I'm waiting for something great to finally happen. And I put so much in that number hoping that it'll pull through and it never does. So I'm asking: Does my life number always have to be a good thing or can it also be a number to steer away from?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
There are a couple things to note.
The first is that numerology numbers represent energy. Certain numbers represent certain energy. The energy that the number 6 represents, among other things, relates to home and family.
The energy represented by numerology numbers is a subtle influence. It manifests as tendencies and likelihoods. The energy does not make things happen nor does it prevent things from happening. It's a subtle influence, not a demanding force.
The numerology numbers themselves don't do anything other than exist and represent certain energy. The numbers have no force by themselves. The only influence they have is the arbitrary influence people vest in them and see or don't see mirrored back.
The other thing to note is this:
There are only ten digits. Every number is composed of one or more of those ten digits.
It is likely that the digit 7, or 8, or other digit is appearing in your life as often as the digit 6, sometimes in different circumstances and sometimes in the same circumstance (the digit 2 and the digit 0 in your son's year of birth, for example, and other digits in his date of birth).
The reason the digit 6 seems so prominent is because that's the number you've made an emotional investment in. Thus, it's a significant number and you notice it whenever it is present in your environment.
More things to note:
Your numerology destiny number is the number 6. That might be one reason you as a person resonate so well with the energy represented by that number and, thus, making the number seem significant.
But the number itself doesn't do anything. It's just a symbol. Something great will happen when you make something great happen. The number itself won't do it.
Your life path number is the master number 33. The number 33 reduced to a single digit becomes the number 6. Thus, there is additional attraction to the energy represented by that number.
From the life path number, I can say that events and circumstances relating to the energy represented by the number 6 are likely to happen in your life either consistently or intermittently. But that still doesn't give the number 6 any power. The number merely represents the energy that is present in your life.
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