Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
The Future and Getting Success From My Life

What does the future hold for me? When will I get success from my life?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
A very good thing to read, an article describing how numerology cycles affect a person's future, is Numerology Chart Cycles. It has instructions for finding out what the tendencies and likelihoods are.
Whether or not you get success from your life depends on two things:
- Your definition of success.
- What you do and don't do.
The future is not predetermined. Certain tendencies and likelihoods can be revealed with numerology calculations. But those are not predeterminations, only an indication of the resonance of the energy likely to be found in the future.
To get success, you need to have a clear, specific definition of what success is for you. Then you determine what you need to do to achieve it — and do those things.
Your pinnacle cycle number will be changing in about two years, from the number 7 to the number 8.
The energy the number 7 represents includes introspection and study. The energy the number 8 represents includes organization and material accumulation.
If your definition of success includes better finances, then the resonance of the energy of the new pinnacle cycle is likely to help with that by making it easier. But it won't do the job by itself. You will still need to do what it takes to get the success.
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