Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
Something Is Missing In My Life
Why do I feel like something is missing in my life. I seem impatient, do I need to make a move and be sure that it's the right one? Overly concern not sure with my decisions.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The issue is internal, not external.
Yes, make a move if you think it will help concentrate on your inner knowingness. A move is not a solution for something that feels to be missing. Connecting with inner knowingness, however, is likely to be a solution.
Your numerology life path (determined by your birth date) is a number 7. It is a number of introspection and connection to ancient wisdom. Most valuable insights into yourself and your perspective of others have come from within. And it will continue to be that way.
Your numerology name number is a 3. This is a number of creative expression and social interaction.
The 3 is an extrovert. The 7 is an introvert. While compatible in some ways (both are creative, for example) the direction of view are opposite.
Expressing the 3 energy is fun. It is more interactive with people than the 7 energy.
However, without the balance of the 7, life is likely to eventually become confusing and, as you noted, bring forth a feeling of something missing.
You are wise. It's just that sometimes the fact gets lost or covered up by all the other things that are going on.
Find time to be alone. Consult your inner knowingness. Answers will reveal themselves.
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