Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
Seeing the Numbers 10:10
A lot of the time when I'm really stressed or concerned about something, I see the numbers 10:10, on a clock mostly, but I've seen them elsewhere too. A couple of times I've been in deep thought about moving somewhere else, (a different place to live) and I've seen 10:10, does this signify a sign from god? Should I take this as answer to my thoughts?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I'm unable to use numerology to calculate whether or not seeing 10:10 is a sign from god or is an answer to your thoughts. However, I can comment about your numerology chart as it relates to the number 10.
Your heart's desire number is the number 10 before it's reduced to it's final digit, which is the number 1. It may be a reason why you see 10:10 so often during the situations you mentioned.
The number 10 and the number 1 have similar meanings. But the number 10's energy generally has more force. The essence is self-sufficient, independent, and knows itself to be whole.
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