Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
Seeing 3s and Liking to Do Music and to Write

If I am seeing 3 a lot and it's multiples.. and I really like to do music and write.. do u think I should continue?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
We don't advise what people should or should not do. But I can provide information that may help you make your own decision.
The Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again article and also the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article have information about repeatedly seeing certain numbers. After reading the information, you may be equipped to stop seeing 3 a lot in multiples — if you prefer not to continue.
According to the information provided with your question, your destiny number is the number 5. The energy it represents is related to expression of a personal sense of freedom. Both the number 5 and the number 3 are compatible with doing music and with writing. Because you have free will, it is up to you to decide whether or not you wish to continue to do music and to write.
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