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Seeing 10:20 for Five Years

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I was born at 10:20 am on October 20 [year removed] and here the last 5 years I see the time 10:20 both day and night very frequently. And not to mention my dad was born at 10:21 PM on October 20. It's hard not to think theres something to it.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Yes, there is something to it, but perhaps not in the way it is supposed.

People tend to remember the numbers that have personal meaning or emotional significance. Also numbers with unusual or notable construction, but I think that is not the case here.

Of course, people don't remember all the numbers they see that have personal meaning or emotional significance. However, those characteristics are associated with the ones they do remember.

People see a lot of numbers during the course of the day. Depending on the person, they also often look at the clock.

Yet, all are forgotten except for certain numbers or times that have subjective meaning or significance.

It happens like this: A number or time is seen. Instead of the consciousness flitting by to the next thing, the person notices that the number or time relates to something they care about. Because they notice that, the number or time is more likely to stick in memory.

The numbers and times that are remembered now seem to be the only ones seen. It seems that way, even when logically the person knows they must have seen other numbers or times and just forgot those instances.

For more more information about this, see the Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again article. And also Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time.

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