Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life

Same Birthday as Both Grandfathers

Why is my birthday July 30th the same as my grandfathers [name removed] and [name removed]?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

While there may be a personal or esoteric meaning that numerology doesn't have calculations for, the real reason is because it is when you were born — the three of you were born with the same month and day as your birth dates.

There are certain numerology chart positions that are calculated from the month and day of birth. All three of you would have the same numbers for those positions. Let me mention them in case it helps you find personal meaning.

The first pinnacle cycle will have been the same for all three of you, the number 1. Your first pinnacle cycle ended last year.

The first challenge will also have been the same, the challenge number 4. All of the four challenges resonate throughout a person's life, but tend to change intensity according to the timing of the pinnacles. So the intensity of the challenge number 4 will have receded last year.

Of the life period cycles, the first two will have been the same for each of you, the number 7 and the number 3. Your first life period cycle ended last year. You're still in your second life period cycle. Your third life period cycle won't start for about 25 years.

If you'll follow the links to the cycles and the numbers, perhaps you'll find personal meaning for the synchronicity.

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