Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
Rough Changes Within Myself
I'm going through some rough changes within myself and I am unsure about what the future holds: My personality, will I get past my emotional turmoil, and will I ever find my path in life?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your personal year number for this year is the number 8. It's the same as your life path number. 8 is a number of physical accumulation.
Next year, your personal year number is the number 9, a number of completions. And your personal month for January of next year is the number 1, a number of beginnings. Perhaps the rough changes will level out for you early next year.
The future holds the result of what you do today and every day until the future point you have in mind. Numerology can show you the types of events and circumstances that are likely. See the life path article. They are tendencies and likelihoods because people have willpower and can decide to do unpredictable things. The future as a predetermined situation isn't calculable with numerology.
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