Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life

People Who Are 28/10

Image for 'People Who Are 28/10' numerology answer

Since I was younger(elementary school), my closest friends and the boys I admired the most were 28/10's. also I am dating someone that is a 37/10 right now. I feel like I am just so attracted to 28/10's but could there be another reason behind this? Could I learn something from 28/10 or 10's? Maybe they need my help? It is the most solid pattern of numerology in friendships for me. Why is this? It's definitely reoccurring. Could this mean my soul mate is a 28/10?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

With 28/10 and 37/10, I assume you are referring to numerology calculations. Unfortunately, your question does not say what numerology position those calculations refer to.

Both 28/10 and 37/10 calculate to the same foundation number, which is the number 1, a number of independence. The resonance of independence generally is incompatible with being a soul mate with anyone in a romantic mutually dependent type of relationship.

The Romance Compatibility Calculator may be used to see what romance compatibility you and another person may have.

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