Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life

Past, Present, and Future Predictions

Image for 'Past, Present, and Future Predictions' numerology answer

Predictions of my past present and future.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Predictions always have to do with the future.

The past has already happened and, generally, can be known by remembering it. The present is now, which generally can be known by noticing what is.

Predictions in numerology are about the tendencies and likelihoods a person can expect at certain periods in the future. That may be next month, in three years, when reaching a certain age, or any other period.

The period in the future needs to be specified before a prediction can be made about that period of a person's life.

There are also predictions that can apply from the next day to the end of the person's life. Although such might appear to be one prediction, it really would be a series of predictions about certain specific future periods.

The "Looking Into the Future" article and the "What Does My Future Hold?" article both talk about the life periods that numerology can calculate tendencies and likelihoods for. They contain links to free online calculators for predicting specific periods.

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