Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life

My Life in a Year

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How my life will be in a year?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I can tell you how to find out what numerology energy influences will be present. But those are just influences, not directives.

Generally, what a person's future will be is determined by what they do and don't do today — and every day up to and including that day in the future.

The numerology influences that have the most effect on events and circumstances as life is lived are revealed by the numerology cycles.

Your challenge cycles, pinnacle cycle, and life period cycle influences will be the same next year as they are this year. Those cycles will change at your ages 40 and 59, but not by next year.

However, your personal year cycle will change.

Use the personal year calculator to get personal year readings. The calculator provides a reading for both this year and next year. Note the differences one year makes.

Then also read the Effects of 6 to 7 Personal Year Number Change article for even more understanding of the changes.

Numerology energy is a subtle nudge. A person tends to follow the nudge. But free will always has priority.

Understanding the numerology energy can give a person a certainty about what the tendencies are. But also understand tendencies are not a predetermination of what circumstances a person will find in the future — the future as it will be is created with action or absence of action.

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