Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
Making the Best of My Future
What my future holds for me. I want to be the best in every aspect of my life but it seems I am making it worse.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Understanding the numerology energies that have, and will have, an influence on your life decisions (and on the type of things attracted as circumstances) may help you make decisions going forward.
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Remember something very important: You have free will. Your free will always takes precedence over numerology energy.
While numerology influences are akin to gentle nudges, they are also persistent. Thus, they might not have an immediate effect, but in the long term are likely to.
Your destiny number is the number 8, a number representing a resonance with material accumulation, building great works, and efficiency — among other things.
Your life path number is the number 1. The number 1 energy resonates with initiating things, being out front, independence, and self-reliance — among other things.
Those two, the destiny and life path positions of your personal numerology chart, are the most important numbers. There are three other core numbers that you may wish to find out about.
Earlier, I alluded to numerology energy changes. Those are known as cycles.
Your current pinnacle cycle is influenced with the number 5 energy. You may find yourself following new interests instead of finishing what you got started. That is likely to be the 5 energy resonance of expressing your sense of personal freedom.
At age 35, you begin a new pinnacle cycle, one that will be influenced with the number 6 energy.
Your current life period cycle is influenced by the number 4. The number 4 resonates well with your destiny number 8.
The above can give you a start to understanding numerology influence. With that understanding, you should be able to make better decisions about how you will live life to become the best you can be.
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