Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
Making Name Lucky With Date of Birth and Vehicle Number

My date of birth is [birth date removed] and my name is [name removed] then tell me how to make my name lucky according to date of birth and my vehicle number is RJ 22 SL 7312.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
This depends on what you mean by lucky, what results you want. If your definition of lucky means compatible, then you would be looking for a name compatible with your birth date numbers and with the vehicle number you quoted.
Your birth date number is your life path number, which is the number 3.
To get the license plate number, the calculator for professional numerologists can be used. Specify the plate number as the name. In the results, the Destiny number is then the vehicle number. You'll see that RJ 22 SL 7312 is the Destiny number 4.
Now you know your birth date number is the number 3 and your vehicle number is the number 4. To create a compatible name, one of the name numbers needs to be 3 and the other needs to be 4.
Use the Best Name Finder to determine a name that is compatible with those two numbers. Specify the numbers 3 and 4 as name numbers to search for. And specify a list of names that would be acceptable to you. The name finder will then determine which name on your list is best (or determine ties, if any) for the name numbers you specified.
Before changing your name, you'll need to determine what numerology lucky numbers you want. Then change your name so the lucky number or numbers are identical to one or more of your major name numbers, which are core numbers.
There are other kinds of luck that numerology doesn't address.
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