Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life

Love and Money

What's in store for me regarding love and money?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I get the impression you're looking for a psychic-type response. But that's not numerology. Numerology uses mathematical calculations on names and birthdates to arrive at conclusions.

But I can respond to your question from personal experience and also with numerology.

In order to recognize love in another person without any doubts, you have to also love yourself. Without experiencing love of yourself, it will be hard to accept as real another's love for you. In fact, without loving yourself, real and potential love could exist in your immediate environment without you recognizing it for what it is.

With love between two people, each is likely to have their own point of view on what love is. If the love is real, unconditional in other words, the differing views can serve to broaden the experience of both.

You're in charge of what's in store for you regarding love. It very much depends on a base of how well and how unconditionally you love yourself.

With a number 9 representing the heart's desire, like your numerology chart shows, you're likely to feel love for humankind, animals, and perhaps several individuals. Do include yourself in that.

You deserve love, but it has to start with you. Once you love yourself, love of others can reach you. The more you love yourself, the wider the gate is open for others' love to flow through.

Regarding money, that's also up to you. Unless it's an inheritance or other type of gift, it's your own action that determines how much income you have and how much is spent.

The general economy can make a difference. But what's in store for you regarding money still relies on your own action.

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