Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life

Lost in My Life

Image for 'Lost in My Life' numerology answer

I have been lost in my life since I can remember. I have a lot of unanswered questions. I can't move on till I can understand my self. Well my father died the day before I was born on the 13th of 1979. Of course I was born on the 14th. Well I had my second child on the 15th of September 2017. Well I was the same age as my dad when he died and my wife was the same age as my mother when she had me. And my wife's birthday is on the 13th of July. I've been told I was special all my life. But why? And how can I understand it?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Numerology charts show some of the ways individuals are special. Let's have a look at a few points in your personal numerology chart.

Your life path number is the master number 22. Events and circumstances, either repetitively or persistently, tend to relate to the physical manifestation of dreams and goals.

Your current pinnacle number is also the master number 22.

Your personality number is the master number 11. There is a tendency to be focused on the spiritual aspects of relationships.

Your heart's desire number is the number 7. It indicates, as your question suggests, a lifelong quest to understand the why and how of things — to understand life, especially as it relates to yourself. When some things are resolved, other mysteries pop up.

The dates you mentioned are likely to be coincidences. If you look at other dates associated with your family, you are apt to find other coincidences. To have no coincidences at all among dates associated with a family would be significant.

Numerology is good at revealing tendencies and likelihoods. But reasons why of the nature in your question tend to be subjective and outside numerology's realm.

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