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Life is Changing so Much

My life is changing so much. I lost my job 3 years ago and my father just last month. I really need to find a way to deal with all this loss. I don't want to lose anymore. I need a job very bad and a way to deal with all this loss.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I am very sorry for your loss.

Perhaps my response to your request will provide information that will be useful to you going forward.

I'll be talking about your numerology chart and I want to be clear that your chart doesn't influence anyone else's chart. It doesn't affect other people.

According to your numerology chart, this is a year of completions and beginnings for you.

Among other things, the number 1 is associated with beginnings. With this number, things may need to complete so new things can begin.

And, among other things, the number 9 is associated with completions. With this number, as things complete, other opportunities become available.

At the beginning of the current year, your life period cycle number changed from 1 to 9. Life period cycles have an effect on the type of events and circumstances that occur as you live life. This cycle is the third of three life period cycles, so the number 9 will be with you in that position the rest of your life.

Also at the beginning of the current year, your pinnacle cycle changed from the number 3 to the number 1. Pinnacle cycles have an effect on the person you are, your talents and outlook on life in general. This cycle is the fourth of four pinnacle cycles, so the number 1 will be with you in that position the rest of your life.

Your personal year number is also changing, like it does every year. What's notable is that this year's personal year number is 9. At the beginning of the new year, your personal year number will be 1.

The effect of the energy the personal year number represents doesn't suddenly change on January 1st. Instead, next year's number begins to be slightly effective about mid-October. From that point, the effect of the current year's number gradually decreases and the effect of next year's number gradually increases. By mid-January, the transition is complete.

The change of pinnacles this year from 3 to 1 leaves no 3 in any prominent position of your numerology chart. The energy represented by the number 3 (among other things, mostly related to creativity) has to do with socializing.

It may be necessary to make yourself go out more, attend various get togethers, in order to facilitate the manifestation of opportunities and your recognition of them.

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