Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
Life Purpose and Path
Why am I living and when will I get my aim and path?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
In your numerology chart, your heart's desire number is the master number 11. Also, both your current pinnacle cycle and your current life period cycle are the master number 11.
It's unsurprising that you have philosophical questions related to purpose. The energies represented by the master number 11 are, among other things, related to spirituality and reasons for things.
Your current strongest challenge number is the number 7. The number 7, among other things, represents energies that lead a person, or make it easy for a person, to look inward for answers.
Because it is a challenge, looking inward for your answers may feel like a lot of effort or, perhaps, it hasn't occurred to you to look there.
My personal answers are that you are living to experience physicality, that your aim is the direction in which you are now headed, and that you are on your path.
But those answers might not be true for you.
Your destiny number (yours is the number 9) and your life path number (yours is the number 6) can hold clues to the answers you are seeking.
The real, true, feels-right answers are found by looking inward.
Although 7 is a challenge number for you, it doesn't mean looking inward is blocked. The positive 7 energies are still available for you. It may take a bit of trial and error or a strong focus to successfully find answers inside yourself. When you succeed, you'll have a feel for how you do it. It's personal for everybody.
The more you find answers inside yourself, the more certain you will become. After a while, the challenge has been met and no longer holds you back.
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