Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life

I have always been unlucky

I have always been unlucky in my career. My finacial freedom is very important to me above all, and yet I am unable to find work that I like or have the talent for? I started a business that failed. I am beginning to wonder that am just very unlucky. If so can numerology help me?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Numerology can uncover certain vibrational influences that exist and that have at least some influence over who you are and what happens in your life. Once those are known, you may be in better position to make decisions.

Numerology can not direct your life. You are the one who must live your life and be responsible for your decisions and your actions.

Your birth date number 3 tells me your life path contains imagination, enthusiasm, and artistic talent. You have energy and ideas, but don't particularly like routine and can lack in self-disipline. You may do well as a press secretary, a party planner, a small business promoter (not necessarily running it, but promoting it), or other work that involves communications media personalities and/or art.

The vowels of your name tell me you are eager for new experiences, which aligns well with the above. Your name number 2 says you feel fulfilled when you are a full member of a team or in a working partnership. So take that into consideration also, especially during the next 9 years when the number 2 is both your pinnacle number and your challenge number.

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