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I Want to Know My Destiny and My Purpose
I want to know my destiny and my purpose on this world. Same as I want to see my death, though I'm not scared of it and ready anytime. My fiancee died and his name is [name removed] and birthdate is [birthdate removed].
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I am sorry for your loss.
According to my numerological calculations, your destiny likely has to do with being independent, self-sufficient, and self-determined. It calculates to the number 1.
Independent means not being restricted by others or circumstances as much as some other people are. It also means being alone because others aren't needed.
Self-sufficient means having enough material resources for survival.
And self-determined means you make up your own mind about what your purpose in life is. Nobody else will do it for you.
I won't do any calculations related to the date or time of death of anyone alive. It's not my place to do so.
Of course there's no known reason to be scared of death beyond the fact that what happens at death is unknown (at least for some people). Contemplating the unknown tends to elicit fear — the reaction is built into human nature.
There are certain considerations related to knowing the future that I think would be good for you to be aware of. Here's a short list of articles that may provide understanding of why knowing the future might not be a good thing, and why knowing the future could end up changing the future so it's again unknown.
I wish you the best.
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