Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
I Want to Know Everything
Please I want to know everything about my life — career, partner, love, fame, wealth, health, family — everything.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Probably, most people have, at some point, wanted to know everything about their future.
Often, what isn't realized is that the information would make them powerless. Because if the future really could be known in such detail, it would take away all personal iniative and all choices.
The Wait! Don't Tell Me My Future! article explains how that works.
Contrary to what some people suppose, the future isn't set in stone. It's malleable. It's influenced by what people do. They create their own future.
Your future is the result of what you do and don't do today and tomorrow and every day leading to your future.
The numbers of a person's numerology chart reveal tendencies and indicate what is likely. The chart can get rather detailed. But it's not a predetermined future.
You create your future with your actions.
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