Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
I Want to Know Everything About My Life - Wealth, Health, Family, Fame, Career, Love, Everything

I want to know everything about my life. Wealth, health, family, fame, career, love and everything.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology can reveal tendencies and likelihoods, but not predeterminations or inevitabilities. Which is good. The Wait! Don't Tell Me My Future article explains why.
Knowing tendencies and likelihoods is possible and desirable. It lets a person plan ahead, prepare to support or detract what is likely to come up.
To glimpse the future, see What Does My Future Hold? for a list of specialized numerology readings. The readings won't provide the specifics I sense you're looking for, but do provide information about general directions.
To know the specifics of what exactly is going to happen, a person has to be there and live it.
Which means this: Your future is created by what you do and don't do in the present. That's why numerology readings can be so valuable. The tendencies and likelihoods they reveal can provide information needed for decisions about what to do now in order to have the future you desire.
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