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I Want To Know Everything In My Future Life
Sir, I am marred. I was love marriage. I want to know in my future life in future our money problem is solve or not. We are happy life or not. How many born my baby & first baby is boy or girl. I want to know everything in my future life. Please help me.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Probably most people have at one time or another wished to know everything about their future.
Such condition can't exist because the future is pliable.
Consider what knowing your future would mean: There would be no incentive to life because everything would be pre-ordained. It would happen anyway, regardless what you did.
And the instant you didn't do something that created that future, or did something different or with different timing, the whole thing would change. And, suddenly, you no longer know your future.
More information about the idea of a pliable future and the inability to know everything is at the Wait! Don't Tell Me My Future! article.
Knowing the future can be no more than knowing what is likely. Never is it certain. You still have to do the actions to make that future.
Your name number 2 tells me you do best when part of a team. Also that you have innate talent for diplomacy. A partner makes you feel complete.
Your birth date number 5 tells me your life is unlikely to be boring. Circumstances and events tend to change as you live life. It can be exciting with all the new things to experience; but frustrating, too, with things not staying the same.
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