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I Need To Know My Future Life

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Sir I lost my mother recently that was disturbing me a lot and I need to know about my future life.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I am sorry for your loss. Losing a mother can be especially hard.

What you do today and the todays that follow determine, in large part, what your future life will be.

There are tendencies and likelihoods about a person's future that numerology can reveal. These are not certainties, but tendencies.

The personal year number changes at the beginning of every year. Your personal year number this year is the number 6, a year of family and nurturing, among other things. The number 6 personal year energy may be exacerbating your sense of loss.

Next year's personal year number for you will be the number 7, a number of introspection and solving mysteries, among other things.

See the Effects of 6 to 7 Personal Year Number Change article for a glimpse into what you are likely to experience. Knowing what to expect can help a person plan and take advantage of the helping energies.

Around your birthday three years in the future, your life period number will change. Read about that major cycle for a view of tendencies and likelihoods several years into the future.

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