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How To Balance Name with Birth Date for Success

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How do i balance my name to my date of birth in order to ensure my Success in life?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I think you are relying on a false premise. A name balanced to a birth date does not ensure success. No name/birth date combination can ensure success, whether balanced or not.

Success depends on two things: (1) What your definition of success is. (2) What you do and don't do to achieve the success as you defined it.

The energy represented by a name might help. It tends to attract and nudge according to its resonance.

If your definition of success is related to material acquisition — money, business success, building great works — then the name you have with its destiny (name) number being the number 8, is good. It is also a nice balance to the tendency to go off on tangents that the number 5 energy of your life path (birth date) resonates with.

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