Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life

How Our Future Together Will Be

I'm wondering how our future together will be. We are currently in a relationship and have been through a lot and are currently on a good path. I wonder if it will continue to be better. [name and birth date removed].

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

What your future will be depends on what you do or don't do today. And tomorrow. And every day until that point in time you determine is the future.

Numerology doesn't create futures. Nor does it predict what kind of a future you will create.

It can, however, reveal tendencies and likelihoods.

The pinnacle cycles and the life period cycles change at certain ages. Your current pinnacle number 9 and his current pinnacle number 8 are compatible. As are your current life period number 2 (yours) and number 8 (his).

Use the marriage compatibility calculator to see what your compatibility calculation scores are.

Higher compatibility means you tend to get along better than a lower compatibility score. But that's most emphatically not a guarantee for any particular type of future. Relationships with lower compatibility scores can create wonderful, covetable lives.

It's the same with relationships that it is with individuals. The future of a relationship depends on what the related people do or don't do.

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