Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
Flat number J202 or W206?
Partner: [name removed] Birth Date: [birth date removed] Which flat number is lucky for both of us out of J202 and W206?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Of the two, the energy represented by J202 resonates best with the energy represented by your name and birth date numbers. J202 calculates to the number 9, a number that has a degree of compatibility with all numbers.
W206 calculates to the number 4. Its energy is compatible with the energy of most of your name numbers but not with your birth date numbers.
Both of you also have a challenge number 4. Living in W206 may exacerbate the challenges.
Note that the energy represented by things outside your personal numerology chart — residence and telephone numbers are examples — are less important and have less influence than the energy of your own chart. Influence From External Numerology Energy talks about that.
For others who are reading this response, the Street Address and Residence Number Calculator can be used to help determine the compatibility of flat or residence numbers or addresses with the names of the people who will be living there.
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