Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
Financial Hardship and Love Relationship Blockage
Why am I experiencing financial hardship, and love relationship blockage.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Looking at your numerology chart, I'm thinking it's past actions or inactions that brought your present financial reality. Of course, something similar can be said for many or most financial hardship situations. In your case, it seems to be especially so.
Your personality number and your power number are both the number 8. The number 8, among other things, is a money and material abundance number. So the financial hardship isn't coming from a lack in your numerology chart.
The money and material abundance energies the number 8 represents may fail to manifest physically for one of these three reasons:
Consciously deciding that the control of lots of money and having physical abundance is contrary to what the person wants to experience.
Insufficient education, mentoring, and/or experience to make and handle money efficiently enough to accumulate an abundance of money and physical property.
Expressing the negative aspects of the energies represented by the number 8, which include, among others, a refusal to participate in, or a repugnance of participating in, actions performed specifically to make money and obtain material possessions.
With the energies the number 8 represents, and with sufficient education and experience, you should be able to get past your financial hardship.
The love relationship blockage is likely from your numerology chart's challenges position. Three of your four challenge numbers are the number 2. The number 2 as a challenge number can include love relationship challenges, which might very well feel like a blockage.
You may be able to find satisfaction in love relationships by accepting the energy as a challenge you'll win, no matter what it takes to do so — instead of reacting to the challenge as if it is a blockage.
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