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Everything About My Future

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My husband name is [name removed] n his date of birth is [date removed] n i want to know everything about my future.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It seems to be a human trait to want to know the future. Numerology can provide clues as tendencies and likelihoods.

What Does My Future Hold? describes the steps a person can take to look as far into your future as you want to. The article describes the various cycles numerology can reveal and links to tools to help with their calculation and interpretation.

All the tools listed in the article are free online tools available at that website.

It is a good thing to know the tendencies and likelihoods because it let's a person prepare.

But there is also a negative aspect to knowing too much. If you did know everything about your future and you used your free will to change something, maybe something you didn't want to happen, then the very moment you changed it all the rest of the future you knew about suddenly is no longer a valid prediction.

Read more about it at the Don't Tell Me My Future! page.

The things you do and don't do make your future. You know what your future is at the moment you live it.

Numerology reveals tendencies and likelihoods, what is probable because of the numerology energies involved. There is no immutable predestination because you have free will.

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