Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
Confusion; Career; Marriage; Health

I am always confused and feel out of place. Please suggest the career that I should choose. I am apprehensive about my marriage. When will I get married and when will my health get better?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology calculations can address a couple of the concerns in your request. For the rest, the ones out of the realm of numerology, and even for those numerology can have input on, it may be prudent to talk about with a life counselor.
For careers, consider a career that resonates with your personal numerology profile. The career suggestions calculator can provide a list of those types of careers. In general, a person is happier with a career that is compatible with themself as expressed by their numerology profile.
Numerology can list dates that resonate more with the idea of marriage than do other dates. The likely marriage dates calculator does this. The calculations do not reply with one specific date that it will happen, but the more likely dates.
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