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Confused About My Life

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Hi i am bit confused about my life, problem is that i am equally well in all fields and have knowledge of all. My parents wants me to prepare for civil services i too want it but not sure whether i will be able to achieve success in it. I on other times feel that i can do better in the job i am though its MNC but sometime i loose confidence and think whether i am really able to do better in any thing, i have good aptitude and very good academic record so i have plenty of options and confusion. please suggest me which way is best for me a job in MNC (private sector)/public sector (banks) or civil services. Thank-you.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It is a fact that a person will only know if they will succeed with something by actually doing the something. Otherwise, the person will never know.

My impression is that you are looking for the best path to follow. Similar to knowing if something will be a success, the only way to know which of a list of things is the best is to find out by trying them all.

Numerology may help by providing information for consideration when making life decisions.

Careers that resonate with a personal numerology chart generally are preferable to careers that are incompatible. The Career Suggestions Tool can list the general types of careers that are more likely to be compatible.

Numerology is not a predetermination study. Freewill always prevails. Numerology can, however, reveal the types of numerology energy likely to be present at certain points of the future.

For a look at the types of numerology energies you can expect at certain points in your future, see What Does My Future Hold? It has links to information and calculators for certain points in the future.

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