Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
Career, Partner, Health, and Happiness
I want to know about my career, my life partner, happiness and health in future.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The actions you take, the things you do and don't do, determine your future more than the results of numerology calculations.
Of course, numerological influences do have an effect, but they don't dictate. They're more like tendencies and likelihoods. What you do in your life always has more power.
And, yes, things happen that a person can't control. The universe can and does put surprises into people's lives. In those situations, it's how you react to those surprises that determines your future.
Both your destiny number and your life path number are the number 1. It tells me you tend to be self-determined and are likely to be self-sufficient for most or all of your life.
Both your heart's desire number and your personality number are the number 5. It tells me you most likely wish you could express your sense of personal freedom and that you tend to present yourself as someone who does that.
Use the free numerology reading form at this website for a deeper reading.
Numerology isn't a psychic practice. It's results are determined by mathematical calculations, which are then interpreted.
Responding to the four areas you asked about would involve psychic insight or require a different divination practice.
To respond to questions about the future of your career would involve guessing. Your future actions and perhaps also the availability of certain career opportunities are unknown to the numerologist. You can, however, use the career suggestion tool for a list of careers numerologically compatible with your name and birth date.
Responding to questions about life partners requires the life partner's birth name and birth date.
Questions about happiness is asking about something that's wholly subjective. Only you can determine whether or not you're happy.
Health questions need to be referred to a qualified health consultant or doctor.
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