Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life

Becoming Great

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Will I be great?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Frankly, it depends on how you see yourself. Perhaps also some on how others see you, but mostly how you see yourself — because that is your perspective. The concept of "great" is subjective.

The energy represented by your numerology chart might or might not nudge you in the direction of greatness. It depends on what great means to you.

Your heart's desire number and your personality number are both the number 7. A characteristic of the energy represented by the number 7 is accumulation of wisdom, especially inner wisdom but also the result of scientific and spiritual studies.

The resonance of the energy represented by a number tends to draw similar resonance to it. With the number 7 in two of your five core numbers, it is likely that you can be studious and that you tend to listen to your inner wisdom. Being wise generally is considered a characteristic of a great person.

Your destiny number and your current pinnacle cycle number are both the number 5. A characteristic of the energy represented by the number 5 is expression of a personal sense of freedom. This energy is apt to decide it is great and assume it is so. Then, perhaps real soon or perhaps more in the future, decide something different about itself and assume the new decision is what is.

All aspects of the energy represented by your numerology chart have an influence. The above mentions only four of over a dozen. Some are more important than others. Some have more influence and others less influence, with the amount of influence not necessarily coinciding with their importance.

Use the free numerology reading and the index of tools and calculators for readings that pertain to you as you are and may become.

There is a lot to learn. Knowing your numerology chart would be great all by itself because you would then be in position to make better decisions more likely to lead to your goal or goals.

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