Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life

About Destiny and Success

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What is my destiny and how/when do I succeed in life and what must I do to be successful?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

There is a destiny position in your personal numerology chart. Read that article for information about that important chart position. It also contains a link to a calculator for your destiny reading.

My response to the success parts of your question is imprecise and vague. Primarily, it is because success is subjective and you didn't tell me what it means to you.

How do you define success?

For some people, being alive another day is a success. For others, marrying a specific person is a success, or even just getting married at all. Others have some vague idea of having a lot of money.

However you define it, success is reached by what you do and don't do. That's a given. But first you must define exactly what success means to you so that you can determine what it takes to reach it.

If your idea of success is related to career, the career suggestions tool can provide a list of types of careers that resonate better with your numerology chart than do other types of careers. Generally, a person is more likely to be happy in a career that resonates with their numerology chart than in a career that does not. That may be pertinent if part of your definition of success is happiness.

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