Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
A Positive Change Financially

I know very well that my actions have more power of my life than numerology. But I also know that numerology reflects a lot of what's going on in your life. At least that's what I have experienced with my limited knowledge. I've had a tough few years and I'm wondering if there's anything in my numerology that indicates a positive change financially or otherwise? Thank you!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The number 8 is generally considered to be the finance number. The reason is because the energy it represents is quite materialistic and business oriented. Also an organizer. Thus, it is assumed when a person is focused on finances then it is likely to be easiest with those energies.
The energy represented by the number 4, and also by the number 22, is pretty much focused on creating a secure and comfortable future. Generally, the focus would include sufficient finances.
Thus, the number 8 is considered the money number and the numbers 4 and 22 the future security numbers.
Next year, your personal year number is the number 8. And six years from now, the number 4.
The year you turn 58, your life period number becomes the number 22.
I have not checked your transit numbers for this and future years. They also have a good amount of influence. See the Essence Transit Tool for a transit numbers calculator.
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