Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life

9 Personal Year Number

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Is it to lose loved ones in one of your #9 years? I have lost my father, my mother, my husband, and my brother in one of my personal # 9 years, which are also universal # 9 years (1935, 1980 ,2007, 2016).

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Numerology does not make those predictions. It has no calculations related to death because it is focused on life.

It is natural to look for reasons when there is a personal loss.

When someone has lost many loved ones and looks at certain aspects of their life to see if there is a pattern, they are likely to find it, whether or not the pattern actually applies. We do this because people tend to fit what they find into what they so dearly need. Doing so can provide solace.

Similar with numerology personal years. When there are many losses over the years and a person looks for a pattern in personal years, they are likely to find one. Not because the pattern has anything to do with the losses, but because applying a list of things to a set of numbers will virtually always result in one of the numbers being matched more often than the other numbers — they can even all match the same number.

As far as I know, there is no more tendency to lose loved ones in #9 personal years or universal years than in other personal/universal year numbers. That it does happen once in a while is true. But it's a happenstance rather than a numerology energy tendency.

I wish you well.

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