Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
111, 1111 and 1234 a Lot
Peace and greetings be upon you. The past few years I've been seeing 111, 1111 and 1234 A LOT. I really don't know what it is. So I told my girlfriend about it and whenever it's 1234 and if my girlfriend is with me at that present time, I would kiss her and and it has been our practice to sort of like commemorate that time. Surprisingly yet a bit speechess, what I want, I seems to get it one way or another. Most almost very fast. I didn't know what it means till a few hours ago as I come across a link on Facebook all the way to this site. Yet I'm still unsure, I don't even know why among the sites I've seen I chose to bear it here. But I am still unsure of what do I do. Or what it would possibly mean. Thank you for your time.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The numbers you're seeing all have different numerology meanings, although each contains at least some energy of leadership, self-determination, and self-sufficiency. Here are links to articles talking about each of the numbers:
Your destiny number is a 6. The number 6 in that position of your numerology chart tells me you're comfortable with the energies of home, family, taking care of people, beliefs, and harmony.
You're in a pinnacle number 5, currently, and will be until year 2020. The 5 brings adventure, a free spirit, an eager anticipation of new experiences — just about any experiences you haven't had yet, including learning about other cultures. This number with the 6 destiny is a nice combination — the 6 being more responsible and the 5 being less responsible, they tend to balance and temper each other.
Your power number's energies will begin to make themselves felt about year 2023. Your power number is also a number 5. The power number generally manifests its energy at about age 40 and is with a person for the rest of their life.
Again, congratulations on being present enough to notice opportunities in your environment. It tends to make a person lucky.
Here's hoping you see 1234 many, many times while you're with your girlfriend. Kissing can be a wonderful thing.
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