Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes

With Destiny or Life Path Number 38, What Is My Future?

Image for 'With Destiny or Life Path Number 38, What Is My Future?' numerology answer

I am [name removed]. My life path or destiny number is 38([birth date removed]). What my future?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Perhaps you're using a different numerology practice. Traditional Pythagorean numerology is practiced here.

Your destiny number is the number 8. The destiny number is calculated from the letters of a person's name.

Your life path number is the number 2. This result is obtained by:

  1. Reducing to a single digit the individual month, day, and year numbers.
  2. Adding those three reduced numbers together and then reducing the result.

When a reading for the future is desired, a timing for that future needs to be stated. Is the future meant for a year from now, tomorrow, after you retire, or when is the future timing you envision going to be the present?

Some future tendencies can be determined from name calculations, such as with the destiny number. However, most future tendencies are determined with calculations related to the life path.

The life path calculations can include cycles that are effective during certain periods of a person's life. The Looking Into the Future article describes a way to determine what is likely at certain points in the future.

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