Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
Where Will I Be in 1 Year?
Where will I be in 1 year time?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Where you will be in 1 year of course depends on what you do in the meantime.
Numerology doesn't define where that will be. But it can reveal tendencies and likelihoods.
There are no major numerology cycle changes in your chart this year or next. But the energy represented by the personal year cycle may have clues.
The energy represented by numerology cycles provide more of certain tendencies, and make certain types of things more likely, during the period of the cycle.
The personal year cycle changes at the calendar year. Every year has a different number, a number 1 through 9, on a repetitive cycle.
Your current personal year number is the number 2. There seems to be more teamwork associated with your activities this year than is generally the case in other years.
Next year, starting at the beginning of the year, your personal year number will be the number 3. The energy represented by this number is highly creative. Therefore, you are likely to either be more creative during next year or to be associated with more creative activities or works. Or perhaps both.
The Effects of 2 to 3 Personal Year Number Change page has more information about the transition from personal year number 2 to personal year number 3.
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