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What Will My Future Be?

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What will my future be?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

A person has a lot of control over what their future will be. Of course, there are unpredictable occurrences. However, what a person does and doesn't do has a tremendous effect. The reason for that is because the future is being created by what happens and doesn't happen in the now.

In addition to what a person does and doesn't do, there are numerology influences.

A numerology influence can be likened to a nudge or a tendency, energy that makes certain things more likely. Numerology influence is an action, not a result. It is never an irrefutable prediction or predetermination.

The What Does My Future Hold? article talks about the numerology influence aspect. And, if you're also interested in when things are likely to happen, see Predicting Exact Timing of Future Events.

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