Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes

What Happens Near Year End

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What is going to happen before [year number] ends?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The year number in your question was removed because this response can be applied by anyone to the last few months of any year.

The personal months for the last few months of the year are the most telling for the period. The personal month article talks about that. In essence, the energy of the month provides urges or attractions for certain types of events and circumstances, likelihoods.

The specifics would manifest within your life situation at that time, so only the broad tendencies are known. Use the personal month calculator to obtain interpretations of the energy your individual personal month numbers represent.

During the last months of the year, the next year's personal year energy is also starting to manifest. Use the personal year calculator to read interpretations for understanding the differences between this year and next year. Often, the energies are quite different. It is one reason many people feel like there are changes coming — and they are right.

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