Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes

The Season of My Life

Image for 'The Season of My Life' numerology answer

I was born [birth date, time, and place removed]. What is the season of my life right now? What are my lessons for god's sake. I'm so tired of this sh*t. My name is [name removed].

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I'm uncertain what you're referring to as the season of your life. But with numerology a person can obtain interpretations of various cycles calculated from the birth date. Numerology Chart Cycles talks about those.

Your life period cycle number will change at your 56th birthday. The current cycle number is the number 2, a number that represents cooperation and coexistence. The next cycle number will be the number 5, a number that represents expression of a personal sense of freedom.

I'm uncertain exactly what you mean by lessons but, in case it applies, let me mention that number 5 energy is good support for a person consciously shrugging off other people's narratives, beliefs, and expectations and either assuming their own or not assuming any at all. (In addition to your next life period cycle, your open heart letter is also represented by the number 5, as is your destiny number.)

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